8 Months after, my job brought to Iceland Again. But this time there was no snow around.
I called Hilmar and the The Kristinsson’s twins 1 month in advance, to be sure we will be able to meet again.
I left a sunny and extremely hot Italy to land in a pretty Cold Iceland. I taught August was warmer. This time my schedule was very close till friday morning. I had Thursday off only, plus saturday and Sunday: I have few days of holiday to recover.
The weather was pretty bad till Wednsday evening, than we had a pause, with a cold(but sunny) end of the week.
an Astonished, happy big children Even Happier
Our meeting was set for 5:00 P.M. at my hotel. I got a text at 4:50 P.M. “we are coming”. I taught, ok, great. than a deep, loud and increasing sound took my attention. I remember i said ” Oh, Jesus, a huge storm is coming. Not again, please”. But it wasn’t a storm. It was one of the most memorable moments of my life: a 43 mustangs line came to pick me up from the Hotel. Warmest Mustang Welcome of the whole Europe.
Perland Museum
The Twins said “We told you WE ARE COMING!”. I admit i was half way between crying and jump around. I think i have done both. The program was pretty simple: a cruise to Perland, a A landmark building composed of an immense glass dome that sits on six hot water tanks, situated on Öskjuhlíð Hill,61 metres above sea level. We had to regroup there, made few picture and start a cruise through Reykjavik.
During the summer season, every Wednsday and Thursday, all the car clubs of Reykjavik meet and do a cruise through the city, stopping nearby Opera House.
After a stop in front of a (closed) Ice cream shop, it was the time to go back to the hotel. I had my last ride on the Sterling Saleen, and said a huge thank you to all the guys. That was a night i will never forget!